Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Way of the World

It's been a while since I posted a new blog page. Lots has happened in the meantime. The most significant event from my point of view, was the newly hatched Bluebird chicks that I discovered on the morning of July 4th. I was so thrilled that there was actually life that had formed out of those blue eggs. My excitement turned to disappointment, though, as I found that that the nest had been robbed of it's new life on the morning of the fifth. I wanted to be angry at the villain, but then I remembered that nature has a sometimes cruel way of assuring that all creatures may carry on in life.... I am suspecting that a snake crawled up the post where the house was secure; I haven't seen any raccoons around, or any other small mammals that could make the climb. Next year, I'll snake-proof the post.

I survived the Tuttle Creek State Park Country Stampede. It rained all of Thursday night when we worked, so that kept the drunkards pretty much at bay. One word of advice. Don't ever let your children go there without you. (Take my word for it!)

Harvest came and went this year with a few showers, but we still managed to roll on the combines. I'm the designated truck driver/wheat hauler/unloader. This year my niece, Erika, helped me haul and move trucks. We had a lot of fun and got to catch up on middle school stuff! Rod and Dad kept the combines running, holding the record for at least one breakdown every day. (The Lord didn't want us to get too overconfident in our harvesting ability.) Anyway, the wheat is in the bin and we're all the better for it.

The 4th of July at the State Park was very quiet - almost erie this year. We had a pretty good recreational crowd for the holiday weekend, although - about 59,000 visitors. There were no major injuries or issues to deal with, so we were all thrilled. Tamra and I spent the evening of the 4th watching the fireworks with some friends from Church inside Bluestem Point this year. Tamra came away with the conclusion that it's too crowded for her at the Park. We had a good time, though.(We even had a parade in the Bluestem Point Area.)

We also got a chance to attend the annual July 4th celebration at Aulne this year. It was great to see old friends and, of course, sample everyone's ice cream. Bob and the Boys entertained and put on a good show, as usual. The Fruechting brothers shot up a great booming sky show for us. I was fortunate to work days this year so I could be a part of it all.

I've had a few people tell me that they would be leaving comments, but they didn't want to go through the hassle of signing in and all. Does anyone know why my blog requires you to do this, or how to get it changed? If so, let me know.

Have a great week and remember - we're too blessed to be stressed!



P.R.JUST said...

Hey dude,

I think you can go in and edit how much or how little a person has to do to leave a comment. I would leave the word verification on because the spammers send junk automatically to blogs otherwise.

Too bad about the little birds. See, snakes are still causing us problems!! Down with serpants! Kill them all!!

Ranger Randy said...

Cool - I figured it out. Now anyone can leave a comment (via anonymous). Thanks. re: the snakes - Where's Granpa Hiebert when you need him??

Kevin F. said...

Hey Randy, speaking from personal experience, I'd be willing to bet you that sparrows killed off your baby bluebirds. I can't count the number of times those varmits have destroyed our bluebird nests, eggs and even little hatchlings. They are basically public enemy #1 with bluebirds. If you can kill off the males, you can protect the little ones. Good luck!!