Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I thought you might enjoy seeing the latest new residents at the Windy Knob Ranch of rural El Dorado. We now have a pair of Eastern Bluebirds nesting in a very modest nesting box in our backyard. I got this box (bird nest) free with an order that I received from an outdoor catalogue, and I really didn't think much about it. Then I saw this Bluebird messing around an old wren house that I have up, so I decided to put the new house up and see what happened. Amazingly enough, the Bluebird immediately started using the house and now has a nest in it.

What is interesting about this new house is the fact that it is mounted somewhat haphazardly (sorry, I was in a hurry) and isn't even level, as the floor slants to the south. The entrance hole is somewhat low in relationship to the rest of the structure - making me think that the Bluebirds wouldn't consider it for a nesting box. And the bird house is fairly small, again making me think that it wouldn't be used.

So what does this have to do with life in general? Well, I got to thinking about the verse that says that even the "sparrows" are not forgotten by God: "Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid: you are worth more than many sparrows. Luke 12:6,7

Pretty cool, eh? At times, we think that we are having a tough time (and we probably are) and our day is going pretty lousy. If you're like me, you may be even thinking that God has kind of forgotten about about you for the day. But did you get it from the verses above? God even watches over the birds of the land. He provides for them and they take advantage of His provisions. There's been times when God's provisions have been right there in front of my face, and I have overlooked it. Evidently, I was thinking I needed a "fancier nesting box." Again, it wasn't because God hadn't provided. It was because I was blind to what he had provided for me.

I'll keep you posted on our new family in our backyard. Maybe they'll keep me reminded each day of the real provisions from God.

Have a good week!

Prayer requests: 1) The Liberia mission team as they return. 2) Jr Campers. 3) Those in the church family who have lost loved ones this past week.4) The Escape Concert. 5) Jim & Cathy S. as they travel to Disney World. 6) Chris C's Cousin Carrie dying of cancer.

1 comment:

P.R.JUST said...

Are your birds the birds of paradise that fly up your nose? Are they blue because they are sad? I'll trade you five sparrows for one bluebird.

Also you could share a little rain with us. If we had water, maybe we would have a bluebird or two.