Wednesday, July 30, 2008

"Why Doesn't God Answer our Prayers?"

We had all prayed that God would grant us favor in relation to the weather so that the Escape Concert would go as we had planned. We had all worked so hard: planning, soliciting prizes, water, gifts, preparing meals, coordinating, handing out fliers, etc., etc. Now, it was the day of the concert and the projection units weren't working. Six of our team had stayed up all night working on the projection operation. It was cloudy, with some thunderstorms looming off to the west. We, once again, huddled in prayer and asked that the Lord would allow the rains to go around us so that we could have a successful concert.

Looking onto the crowd and the band as the Escape Concert Started

The concert started and a decent crowd had shown up. Sonlit had finished their set and the Butler Brothers were about halfway through theirs. Then it hit. The wind changed to the north, blowing information tables and their paraphernalia everywhere. Rain started and people scattered. The Escape team made a dash for the equipment, holding down tarps and carrying sensitive instruments and amplifiers under the protection of the amphitheater roof. Our audience, our precious audience was running for their cars and leaving before our headliner band DOWNHERE had even had a chance to play. We hadn't even had a chance to allow for the testimonies that we had planned or the alter call that was to be given. Why hadn't God answered our prayer? We had it all planned out to the smallest detail! Didn't God want what was best for us and His Kingdom? We were doing all of this for Him. Or so we thought.

Little did we know that had our projection units been working, instead of already being packed away when the storm hit, the strong winds would have ripped back the protective covers and the projection units and equipment would have been destroyed by rain. Little did we know that because of the weather circumstances, the Dove award winning group DOWNHERE would perform an intimate, worshipful service/concert using an inexpensive sound system from our church and a tom-tom, bucket and wastebasket for drums. Little did we know that a group of around one-hundred people would see and hear one of the most rewarding Spirit-filled concerts that some of us might ever attend.

The High School members of the FBC Youth Group performed a skit during the concert

The group Downhere sings to the crowd under the shelter of the backstage & roof of the amphitheater.

Why didn't God answer our prayer? He did. In more ways than we will ever know. You see, our prayer was our plan, not His. Our prayer was what we thought was best. Our prayer was what we wanted for us and what we wanted for God.

God's answer was better than we could have ever imagined. Praise be to God!!

Be happy in your confidence, be patient in trouble, and pray continually. Romans 12:12


Anonymous said...

fAMEN! Saturday night was such an incredible blessing for those who stayed ~ I am sad for those who didn't stay to wait out the rain.

Your comments apply to so many things in my life this week ~ isn't that great how God orchestrates these things???

I wrote out Romans 12:12 on my message board outside my cube at work ~ just let 'em try to tell me I can't have it there ~

Peggy Sue ;-)

Kevin F. said...

Wow, what a humbling and yet awesome feeling to realize that our human wisdom is nothing compared to God's!! When we can completely yield our will to His, great and might things happen!!

That's what happens at an Emmaus Walk (hint, hint). :)

P.R.JUST said...

"My ways are not your ways, neither are my thoughts your thoughts", says the Lord. How true, how true.