Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas with Tamra's Family

It was another Christmas to spend with family. This time it was Tamra's side. We laughed, we ate, we opened presents, we ate, we told jokes, we ate, we took pictures, and did I mention we ate??

Collin gets a good morning hug from Taylor's (Tamra's niece) dog, Mocha.

Can you believe it? We all made it to one place at the same time!!

The kids and the Grandpa & Grandma - Collin, Taylor, Adam, Robert & Bonnie.

Taylor (Tamra's niece) and Adam & Collin unwrap the gifts.

You buy them dog toys and buy them dog toys and what do they play with? A milk jug!!

Troy (Tamra's brother) and his wife Tammie open presents.

The best gift was just spending quality time together. I pray that you may do the same with your family. Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good job Randy....appreciate you adding your in-laws to your blog. You are so right....we ate, we ate and we ate.