Saturday, November 22, 2008

We Need Your Input

Thought you might enjoy seeing an evening at the El Dorado Just house. Collin had a friend over and he wanted to have his picture in here too, so I'll put that in too. This is Aaron. He played football and now basketball with Collin.

This is Aaron's friend Collin. He's kind of funny at times!

This is the oldest El Dorado Just boy, Adam. He's sorta silly too!

Here's Tamra watching Adam......she keeps a level head.

And here's what happens when Tamra doesn't watch over Collin:

As you can see, this is what happens when a family doesn't have cable or satellite. For those of you who do not wish to see my children and their friends grow up to be demented, please comment on this blog, urging Tamra to support her husband with his quest in acquiring ESPN.

Thank you and God Bless America and the sports networks! (I'm Randall D. Just and I approve this message.)


Anonymous said...

As a long time supporter in the quest of the Just men to acquire sports programming, I urge everyone who reads this blog to implore Tamara to "relax the reins" and get RJ ESPN. Yes he may fall asleep watching it but that is a right of all men. Revolt Randy - - - Direct TV only $30 per month.

Pooh Bear

Anonymous said...

This is funny, because I'm supposed to be watching a dvd with Randy right now that he wanted me to watch with him. He's now asleep while the dvd is playing. He can't stay awake for something he wants us to watch together, why would I pay to have something put him to sleep!!!! THE WIFE - TAMRA (way to spell my name right PB!)

Anonymous said...

Could be that the excitment of having ESPN would keep the old boy awake. And again, I point out that it is the right of all men to fall asleep in front of sports programming on a large television. (sorry about the spelling- Was watching the OU-Tech game and not paying attention to what I was doing)

Anonymous said...

Please, please help the poor boy out. Can't you see what's happening to him - sports deprivation leads to weak familial relationship. Is that what you really want? Only four little letters [ E S P N ).