Thursday, November 13, 2008


A quick question: how do we teach them? It has occurred to me that several of our community's youth claim to be Christians but are among those who "talk the talk, but don't walk the walk." When they are around their "church friends" they act and talk one way, but when they are around others, they act and talk the way of the world.

What has happened here? Why is this? I'm certainly not suggesting that I am perfect, or my earlier years were any better. I am suggesting that there is something missing in the lives of many of our youth.......I think that something is parental guidance and discipline. A number of these kids that have these issues don't have a Mom and a Dad to lead them down the path of righteousness. One parent may be a believer. Or one parent may be too soft in the disciplinary scene.

So what happens now? (I'm thinking out loud here.) Our church has the unwritten rule of, "it takes a village." It's up to us as Christian brothers and sisters to help out in this matter. If you remember, when babies are dedicated to the Lord, we say that we will help see to it that this baby is raised properly in the way of the Lord. Even if they don't go to your/our church, it's up to us as Believers to assist the youth to stay on the straight and narrow.

Now I've got to get busy. I've got a kid or two to talk to. If you would, say an extra prayer for the youths and for me as I go about the Father's business.

Thanks! Have a great weekend!

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