Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Well, I told you that I would let you know how the Wakarusa Music Festival (Hippie Fest) at Clinton State Park went, so here's a couple observations:
1) To be a new age guy hippie you must have have dreadlocks and not wash your hair (matted mop) but once a month. See Exhibit 1 below.

2) To be an old fashioned hippie, you must still own a VW mini-van (with custom paint job).

3) To attend the festival, you are required to dress totally weird in the outfit of your choice.

4) To make things easy to find, you may want to store your botanical substances in easy to locate, compact storage devices.

5) And lastly, all festival goers must be adorned with some sort of tattoo.

Now, if you noticed, the tattoo displayed is that of Jesus holding a cross. How ironic! The guy was with his buddies, all of them participating in consuming adult beverages. Doing my best not to judge them, but their fruits (language, etc.) didn't appear to be that of a Christian witness. The point is, most of the attendees at the festival appeared to be searching for something. Maybe this guy above had found it - only the Father knows. One thing I am certain of: we are promised a real peace and joy in our Savior, Jesus Christ. The search is over. We can fill our souls with a "new wine." Isn't it great that our God offers the peace, love, and contentment that no "Wakarusa" can ever fulfill?

This weeks prayer requests are many: Please, first of all, uphold our mission team leaving this week for Liberia, West Africa. (Don't forget about Pastor Wade's hand, which the enemy works on every time he goes on a mission trip.) Also, please lift up the following: 1)Thad W's first appointment concerning his disability; 2) Peggy W's dad/Peggy; 3) Darla S's travel and Mara & McKinna staying away from home; 4) Middle schoolers at camp; 5) Shannon B's family challenges; 6) Judy & Paige S as they go to N.Y.; 7) Jim S's sister Karen as she mourns and deals with life's challenges; 8) Trish F's comfort as Logan's covering as he goes on the team to Liberia; 9) Dale & Jeanna S as they travel; 10) Randy & Chris C's house plans/move...... Please let me know if we need to add to the list. Also, inform us of answered prayers, if you wish. Oh, also please cover Pastors Dave & Jim while Pastor Wade is away.

Have a great week! Remember we're too blessed to be stressed!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That sure don't look like fun to me....referring to the Hippies!!!